The Royal Education Council (REC) has streamlined English textbooks for classes four-six, recently. It has also revised the Mathematics textbook for pre-primary (PP) level to sixth grade.
The revision and streaming were in keeping with the resolution of the National Education Conference 2016, and the findings of the study on ‘Evaluation of School English and Mathematics curriculum from classes PP to XII.’ The other key reason was to reduce the “bulkiness” of the curriculum.
For English textbooks of classes 4-6, the review committee of REC, removed some short stories, essays and poems while no addition has been made. In case of mathematics textbooks for PP to sixth standard, the committee removed some topics.
“No new topics have been introduced and some units have been rearranged without losing the overall essence,” says the notification to schools, posted on REC website. The notification was circulated to schools across the country on April 5.
In an interview to BBS News, the Curriculum Developer of REC, Tashi Dendup said, “We have shared the information with all school principals and Dzongkhag Education Officers that although you can use the old textbook, teachers can use the reprinted 2017 textbook because as we have mentioned about some changes in it.”
The REC is an autonomous institute with the objective to provide leadership in research, curriculum and teacher professional development in improving the mainstream education system, supported by enabling institutional culture and competent professionals.
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