Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay presented the State of the Nation Report to the Parliament yesterday. Lyonchhen touched upon health, education, living standard and, religion and culture among others. Lyonchhen also reported on five economic jewels: Hydropower, Agriculture, Tourism, Cottage and Small Industries and Mining.
Prime Minister reported the health of the people is improving. The government has allocated Nu 4.5B to the health sector this financial year.
“The demand for traditional medicines is increasing,” Lyonchhen reported. Therefore, the government has Corporatised Menjong Sorig Pharmaceuticals, the production division of National Institute of Traditional Medicine.
The 2015 GNH survey shows the population who attempted to commit suicide increased from 17 percent to 21 percent in 2015. “The government has adopted the National Suicide Prevention Action Plan to address this growing problem.”
The government, in principle, has given approval to proposals of three private individuals to start private colleges in the country. As of now, including one private, there are nine colleges in the country.
There are over 3,500 Bhutanese pursing higher studies in India through private funding. In a year, the educational cost borne by these students is over Nu 700 million. “It is of foremost importance to institute more number of colleges in the country,” said Lyonchhen.
Prime minister also reiterated that the academic sessions of three new government colleges will begin by next year. The colleges are College of Zorig Chusum in Trashi Yangtse, Gyalpoizhing College of Sciences in Monggar and Yonphula College of advanced studies in Trashigang.
Living Standards
Lyonchhen reported in the last five years, the standards of the people have increased significantly. Currently, 97.7 percent of the people have access to safe drinking water. Lyonchoen reported, last year, the government spend Nu 321M. “This year, the government has allocated Nu 388M for rural water supply schemes,” Lyonchhen added. On the access to electricity front, today, 99 percent of the households have access to grid electricity. On economy, Lyonchhen said finance ministry projected GDP growth rate of 7.7 percent for this year. “Import of goods, domestic revenue, in particular, tax revenue, number of jobs created and gross international reserve are increasing. The rupee situation has improved as well,” added Lyonchhen.
Rural development
The GNH survey revealed rural people are less happy compared with urban people. Lyonchhen expressed concerns regarding the finding as 70 percent of the population live in rural areas. Rural-urban migration is increasing and today, of 85,261 households in the country, 4,269 are registered as gung-tongs. Poverty in rural areas stands at 32 percent and stunting is also higher in rural areas at 26.1 percent.
Therefore, Lyonchhen highlighted plans and policies such as decentralizing powers and authority to Local Governments, establishing gewog banks and improving non-formal education programme among others to foster rural development.
Refering the GNH survey, Lyonchhen said overall, Bhutanese women are less happy than men. “Our women are burdened by unpaid household chores,” Lyonchhen said. Hence, the government, focusing on providing assistance to women, extended maternity leave in civil service from three to six months. “Let’s work together to provide same benefits to all women across the country” Lyonchhen urged.
So far, seven government offices opened crèches in their office premises for working mothers and children. Lyonchhen said a special task-force is studying the possibilities of how and what nutrients need to be provided. To begin with, the government will target expectant mothers and breast-feeding mothers.
As per the Labour Force Survey 2015, although national unemployment rate has decreased from 2.6 percent to 2.5 percent, youth unemployment increased from 9.4 percent to 10.7 percent. Lyonchhen said there are ample opportunities to create self-employment in the agriculture, livestock and forestry sector.
Also, Lyonchhen reported, to bridge the gap between supply and demand of workers in tourism, construction and production sectors, the National Workforce Plan has been developed.
Government services
The GNH survey indicates some people are not happy with the government services such as education and health services, in fighting corruption and creating jobs. Lyonchhen said, “since people feel that government services are not reaching them, the government is making concerted efforts to improve delivery of service in three ways.” It involves Government Performance Management System (GPMS), Government to Citizen (G2C) services and decentralization.
Preserving environment is one of the main pillars of GNH. But according to the GNH survey, people fell less responsible for conserving environment. “This is not good,” said Lyonchhen. Lyonchhen informed apart from Bhutan Trust Fund, two new funds – Bhutan for Life and Earth for Life – are being established under the command and guidance of His Majesty the King. Recently, the government also established Green Bhutan Corporation as a State Owned Enterprise to plant trees, look after it and also promote floriculture.
Religion and Culture
The government, this year, has allocated Nu 2.3 billion for renovation, restoration and re-building of dzongs and cultural heritage sites in the country.
The government will also be providing a Toyota Hilux each to Lam Netens across the country. This, Lyonchhen said, is considering the travel Lam Netens have to make within and outside the dzongkhag. The government is also studying the possibility of providing remunerations to caretakers of lhakhangs.
As per the GNH survey, people want culture to be strengthened and 52 percent of the population feels spirituality is declining.
Concluding the report, Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay said the State of the Nation was based on GNH survey of 2015 conducted by the Centre for Bhutan Studies and GNH Research. Lyonchhen said the GNH survey 2015 was released during the mid-way of the government’s term and it provided good opportunity for the government to use its results.
“The government will take the findings seriously and work hard to improve government policies and plans.”
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